What can't I do with your digital collage sheets?
Whilst our usage license is very generous, there are few things that you will not be able to do with the Digital Collage Club images.
- You cannot sell or give away the image itself, either printed or digitally
- You cannot use them or sell them as part of design element products such as scrapbooking kits, collage sheets, image CDs, digital compilations, image downloads, image transfers, or any other similar forms as that directly competes with our membership site.
- Use the item in mass production. If you would like to use the image more than 100 times, contact us for a commercial license.
- Make the item available in such a way that someone could steal the image. For this reason, if you would like to share the file on the Internet/Social Media and the like, it must be small (150 pixels on the largest side) and/or heavily altered or watermarked.
NB: Please note that when selling handmade items using our products on eBay, Etsy, Amazon and similar online platforms, you need to use your own images on the listing descriptions, NOT a screenshot of a Digital Collage Club printable or image.
Please refer to our License Term section for more details: https://makingandcreating.com/license/